22:00 Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Organizing for Power’s Core Fundamentals is a skills-based training that takes place weekly on 6 CONSECUTIVE TUESDAYS from the 7th of May until the 11th of June 2024 from 18:00-CET until 20:30 CET.

Each session lasts 2.5 hours. As the Berlin group, we’ll be participating in Track A together. As a group, our common language is English, but there will be translation available during the online seminar for other languages including Deutsch, Español, Français, Português and عربي

We will primarily be using Zoom together. If you have questions you can email O4P@techworkersberlin.com or fill out the registration form below.

In-person venue

In addition to online, we have opportunity to meet each other in Agit venue at Nansenstraße 2, 12047 Berlin


Organizing for Power is a training and networking program that, since its founding in 2019, has welcomed more than 35,000 organizers from 110 countries. Led by Jane McAlevey and hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, O4P is based on the radical notion that, to win the changes this world needs, we need to get a whole lot better at talking to - and organizing with - people who don’t already agree with us.

The world is burning, new and old conflicts are intensifying by the day, and the rich are getting richer than ever off the backs of an increasingly exploited global working class. For working people, the challenge is to use the strength of our numbers, to build majority-led disciplined structures that come together around shared goals and win the campaigns that we launch.


Our Core Fundamentals training focuses on how to do this. Across six weeks - in global plenaries as well as facilitated small group work, and through campaign practice assignments that we expect you to complete - we teach the five core fundamentals of organizing, each a crucial piece for building disciplined majorities capable of fighting and winning:

  • leader identification: understanding who can move people, and that it’s often not who you first think;
  • semantics: recognizing that the words we use matter - they must center each worker’s active participation as key to winning;
  • structured organizing conversations: preparing what it takes to win over the hardest-to-move leaders;
  • charting: incorporating a simple method to understand human social relationships, and to prioritize and systematize outreach;
  • structure tests: developing mini campaigns to build solidarity and site structure, and to know when you are ready to win.

Code of Conduct

All meetings and communications are covered under the Berlin Code of Conduct. The privacy and safety of our members is important to us. Sharing the identity of members and or taking/sharing photos are strictly forbidden unless express consent is given.

Get involved! @TechWorkersBER